Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus


Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus

Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus is a type of virus, which can cause a highly fatal hemorrhagic disease when transmitted to young Asian elephants which can found in elephants between the ages of 0-9.

The symptom of this disease is the elephant will unable to use the trunk like usual, their tongue and neck are swelling including around the eyes.

The disease can rapidly affect elephant health and Elephants will be sick and die within 2-3 days.

Thus, Krabi Elephant House Sanctuary is constantly following and observing elephant infections. We have a team of doctors who regularly check the health of our elephants.

  • Contact the veterinarian immediately when the elephant has symptoms like this
  • Do not let the disease kill any elephants.

We can all be a part of helping elephants. Please try to come and visit Krabi elephant house sanctuary for a once in your life.

Thank you for your care and your support!